Wednesday, May 04, 2005

riding and stuff.

The weather around here has been really nice for the last little bit. And it has allowed me time to get out and spend some time riding. Unfortunately I haven'y been able to spend a lot of time traveling around to different rides so I have just been riding the BST around my house for the last bit. It started to get a little old riding hte exact same trail every day so I started riding a few of the spurs I have seen branching off from the main trail. It has opened up a fairly significant amount of trail to be enjoyed. Much of it was much more established than I expected. I also got out and rode the Ogden section of the BST. It was a really quite enjoyable. It's in a lot better shape this year than it was any of the other times I rode it. That's great to see a trail really take shape and start to look nice. Jayge had a blast riding that one too. I'm sure he enjoyed the change as much as anything too. Other than that, there really hasn't been too much change around here. The kids are in the last quarter of school, I'm in the middle of a shift change. Basically same ol' same ol'.


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