I know, I know
So it's been a while, what can I say. After my computer crashed it's taken me a bit to get back to the sites where I have my blogs at. Pretty lame excuse huh? Anyway it's definitely time to start letting those few who actually look at this thing know what is going on. Today is Alex's birthday party. She has invited a couple friends over for cake, ice cream, and a movie. she turns ten next monday. they grow up incredibly fast. Talon split his head open on a hike the other day. they put 3 staples in it. I'll have to post a picture. it's a beauty. I spent a lot of time working lately while covering for the other pressman who blew out his knee. that was fun....not. But it did get most of Christmas paid for. Jayge has gone up and down with his grades. I think he is doing pretty well right now. but we will see how it goes. He has been going out jogging 3-4 times per week. he has grown quite a bit in the last while, and is really starting to loose weight. This excerciseing is good for him. Now if only he would figure out how important diet was he'd be doing really well. guess that about updates everything so. I'm off. I'll try to be a little more consistent now.