Wednesday, March 30, 2005

life goes on.

So as you can tell by the picture we got a new cat. She is a real cutie, and the kids love her. The only problem now is she came home with goopie eyes and now she has a respiratory infection. After spending $85 to buy the cat from a rescue organization, and $30 -$40 to get all the stuff to have her a spot at home. The $50+ for the vet to fix this respiratory ailment is going to kill me. Especially since the meds they gave me may not even fix the problem. They want to run tests, and do all this other stuff too. Argh! Pets are not my thing right now. I'm just having horrible luck with the pets right now. And I love having pets.

Jayge really got things together for the end of the last term at school, and really pulled off some impressive grades for how far down they were when he started working on them. I am really impressed. Our Moab trip is in a few weeks, and he has definitely earned the right to join us on our annual trip.

This week I go back to Graves at work. Can't decide if I'm excited or not. I used to really enjoy going to graves because it was a time to work without all the pressures of having maanagement looking over your shoulder. But now that they have put supervisors on our presses that is no longer the case. So I think I may really struggle with the changes this time.

This weekend is my 12th wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe I have been married for that long. I am very happy to say that I wouldn't change a thing about my marriage. Im am very happy, and love my wife very much.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Here is our new kitty, Tiny. She is 2 years old, and hardly looks any bigger than a kitten Posted by Hello

Monday, March 21, 2005

A few changes at home

It feels like my life is just on auto pilot. I basically do the same things day after day and there is really nothing new to write about or to comment on in my blog. We have had a few changes lately though:

A comment on Jayge. He has been busting his butt to get good grades. While he still has a long way to go to have really good grades I am really impressed with the amount of work he has put in, and how much improvement there is. He is probably not going to fail any classes this term. Which is a huge improvement over where he was. He had 4 F's during this term. He has pulled 3 to D's and the forth is probably going to end up a C-. I'm impressed. I hope he can keep it up. I would really like to see him do well. And get to do the Mountain bike racing he would like to do. He has also started a paper route that will allow him to earn some money. Right now he is really upset with me and his mom though so I hope he stays on task.

Which brings us to Picasso, our dog. After having spent a month with Picasso it was becoming painfully obvious that we got the wrong dog for the way our lives are. Picasso was a 50 - 50 mix and the Austrailian Cattle dog was definitely dominant. She wanted attention 24/7 and it was just never going to work. She needed to spend large amounts of time outside, and she needed to be around people almost constantly. It was becoming obvious that we were going to be unable to give her what she needed without spending large amounts of money, and then she still probably wouldn't really get what she needed. So we had to make a tough decision, and get rid of the dog. I pray she is happier now. Which is the reason Jayge is so upset.

The weather has turned nasty again which is why I am sitting inside instead of getting out riding. With the wonderful weather I have been spending lots of time out enjoying the new bike. Jayge has been riding with me, and is doing awesome. I am really impressed with his riding. Moab is only 4 weeks away so I need to continue getting ready to ride. But I'm feeling much better this year. So far so good. Lot's of fun riding.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Mountain Biking

Been out a few times on my new bike. Man am I ever going to enjoy riding this bike. The handling on my old Trek 8000 was really twitchy. And it was a real bugger to climb with. It always wanted to pull the front wheel up, or spin the rear wheel. My Jamis is much better. Although it weighs almost 5 lbs. more than the Trek it is so much more stable on the climbs. It just stays planted and lets you hammer away. And going downhill is just awesome the suspension soaks up the bumps and just lets you fly down the hills with no problems. It's awesome. I'm really looking forward to our Moab trip this year, and I am trying to get myself in better riding shape so I won't die. Hopefully all will go well.