Thursday, February 25, 2010

Disc Golf.

So I have really gotten into the sport of disc golf. I've always enjoyed throwing a frisbee. And adding a challenge of throwing into a basket with specially designed golf discs makes it so much more enjoyable. I've been playing now for a little over 2 years, and have progressed from the intermediate division to advanced. My driving distance has gone from 200 ft. to over 300 ft. If everything works right I am pushing 350 ft. Now if I could just get myself a basket, I could really drop my scores. Right now, it's great drives poor putting. Guess that just proves the point. Drive for show, put for dough. Oh well. Still a lot of fun.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


So I am a big fan of Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Finally they are going out on a spring tour for their non Christmas album Beethoven's Last Night. Unfortunately they will not be touring west of Texas. Grrrr.......

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Back at it

Think I am going to start posting on this blog again. Probably going to have a little bit different flavor than the older posts. Check back soon.